"Exporter of the Year in the Moscow region - 2023".

Main - News - "Exporter of the Year in the Moscow region - 2023".

Dear partners!In the Moscow region, the results of the "Exporter of the Year of the Moscow Region" competition were summed up according to the results of activities for 2022 among small and medium-sized businesses, as well as large businesses!

The competition is held by the Foreign Trade Support Fund of the Ministry of Defense with the support of the Russian Export Center and the Ministry of Investment, Industry and National Research of the Moscow Region within the framework of the national project "International Cooperation and Export". This competition is a regional stage of the All-Russian award "Exporter of the Year".

The competition among the companies of the Moscow region was held in several nominations.

The company "NIMBUS" LLC, represented by Director Lebedeva Yu.A., according to the results of the competition, became the winner in the nomination "Best Female Exporter". In this nomination, the subjects of SMEs of the Moscow region, the director or the head of which are representatives of the fair sex, are awarded.

NIMBUS LLC is an active participant in the implementation of the project to increase Russian non-commodity exports. We supply our products to the CIS countries, actively participate in international exhibitions with the support of the Foreign Trade Fund of the Ministry of Defense and are preparing to enter the world market.

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